Information Gathering
At I2, we do not attach ourselves to any single source of information or methodology. This enables us to maintain a superior level of transparency and objectivity. We pride ourselves on offering the broadest set of primary market research methodologies and over 20 years of expertise in finding and using secondary data.
We ensure that every qualitative interview we conduct is fully digested and transcribed into an Excel grid. The grids include direct quotations from research participants and all ticks and tallies collected during the interview. These grids streamline the analysis process and allow us to collate findings in an efficient manner.
Example: Qualitative Interview Grid
We also support all of our qualitative findings with direct quotes from respondents. These quotes play an integral role in our final reports and can be presented via audio clips and/or in writing.
Example: Physician Interview Quotations
At I2, we provide clear and comprehensible deliverables which highlight the most relevant and important findings. We incorporate market size, product adoption, potential market changing events, and other relevant factors to create comprehensive forecasts that provide the revenue forecasts and NPV estimates our clients need to be confident in their decisions.
Example: Patient Volumes Analysis
Example: Market Sizing Analysis
Example: Product Adoption Analysis
Secondary Information Sources
I2 frequently uses secondary information sources to supplement primary research or for separate analysis or consulting efforts to meet the wide range of insights our clients require, including:
  • Using sources such as IMS’ physician-level prescribing data or Nielsen’s sales data, I2 helps clients identify target markets.
  • Prescribing data can be used to help create physician segments, allowing I2 to identify target physicians based on the prescribing data.
Market Trends
  • Syndicated reports, analyst reports, and publications from industry associations can help identify broad market trends that are difficult for individual respondents to quantify.
  • Research on market trends can be particularly useful when assessing potential acquisition targets or assessing how future market events will affect our clients’ products.
Market Sizing
  • Forecasting requires estimates of the market size to effectively gauge a product’s potential. I2 will frequently use secondary data, alone or in combination with primary research findings, to size a target market.